Referencia bibliográfica
SÁENZ DEL CASTILLO, Aritza; ARREGI-ORUE, Joseba Iñaki; AGIRREAZKUENAGA, Leire y LONGARTE ARRIOLA, Joseba Jon (2023): «Teacher training for social sciences education and a democratic citizenship in a postconflict society. The case of the Basque Country», Journal of Social Science Education, vol. 22, nº 3, pp. 1-22.
The Basque Country has been suffering political conflict and human rights ́ violation for decades, tearing the social fabric.Human rights and peace education carried out through the testimony of the victims and their memory about this recent violent past can play an essential role in reestablishing the social understanding. This article aims to make known the experience of Adi-Adianinitiative developed with the victims of the politic violence in the Teacher Training School of the University of Basque Country and asses its effectiveness in terms of critical thinking and empathy.
Aritza Sáenz del Castillo Velasco. Página del autor en Dialnet.
Joseba Iñaki Arregi-Orue. Página del autor en Dialnet.
Leire Agirreazkuenaga Onaindia. Página del autor en Dialnet.
Joseba Jon Longarte Arriola. Página del autor en Dialnet.
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