This collection brings together texts concerning the phenomenon of terrorism in the Basque Country and Navarre, published in digital format based on research. It consists of articles in specialized journals, books, reports, book chapters and working papers. The works come from different disciplines: history, sociology, political science, psychology, health sciences, economics, ethics, philosophy, anthropology, law or science communication. The majority of these texts are in Spanish, but they are also in English, Basque, French and German.

The works are classified into categories and within those categories they are arranged alphabetically by the author’s surname or the institution responsible for the publication. The best way to make inquiries within the library is to identify the category of interest to the user and display the selection of featured works inside said category. To access the data sheet click on the title, which includes the standard bibliography, the full text in PDF format, the summary of the content, the author’s or authors’ page in Dialnet, the type of document and where appropriate, an alternative link to the text.
This is a digital library that will be constantly growing. The collected works only express the views and opinions of their authors and AROVITE is not responsible for its content. In this library is not offered a complete bibliography for each author, but a working sample as large as possible on the material in question. The main objective of this collection is to gather and divulge a wide range of materials that were scattered and not always easy to identify, and to take advantage of the possibilities of fast and universal access to the Internet. Thereby we facilitate the work of both specialized researchers as well as the general public.
AROVITE-LIBRARY is an academic initiative of the Instituto de Historia Social Valentín de Foronda (IHSVF), of the University of the Basque Country. The interface has been designed by DrDrumen in collaboration with the IHSVF. Intellectual authorship and ownership of the works contained in this library are expressed in each document. The use of these materials does not pursue any commercial interests. In case of citation, the established academic standards must be respected, providing complete bibliographic reference of the work, such as the date of access to AROVITE-LIBRARY.

If you are an author, you should direct your request to include subject matter from this library to Any party that believes it has the copyright or ownership of material presented here can contact the AROVITE team through the same email. You can consult a detailed description of the Library Plan in this booklet.

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