Collection of Bakeaz

Bakeaz was an association dedicated to research on matters of peace, human rights and ecology, and existed for over two decades. It was founded in 1992 by people linked to the university and the area of pacifism, human rights and environmentalism. From the beginning, the association tried to provide criteria for reflection and civic actions to address issues related to the militarization of international relations, sustainable economy, hydrological politics and water management, cooperation politics, migration processes, civic participation, general theory on social movements, or peace and human rights education.
During the years of existence, the members of this association worked for a peace and human rights education which would face matters like the problem of terrorist violence in our country, by addressing the central importance of the victims and advocating a way of teaching which would take into account the violence suffered in the Basque society.
To cover this wide range of issues and goals, Bakeaz: – Had a special library. – Conducted research with the participation of a number of experts. – Published their own studies or those of other national and international bodies in several book series and theoretical bulletins. – Carried out consultancy work and training programmes. – Published articles for the press and scientific journals. – Participated in seminars, congresses and conferences.
In 2014 the association donated its collection on terrorism in the Basque Country to the Institute of Social History Valentín de Foronda. This included 11 «Cuadernos Bakeaz», 27 «Escuelas de Paz», 7 «Series Generales» and 3 «Derechos al Cine», which are now available for everyone on this website.

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