Referencia bibliográfica
PAQUETTE JACK, Eileen (2015): «From Belfast to Bilbao: The Basque Experience with the Irish Model», Working papers in conflict transformation and social justice, nº 6, pp. 1-33.

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This paper examines the izquierda Abertzale (Basque Nationalist Left) experience of the Irish model. Drawing upon conflict transformation scholars, the paper works to determine if the Irish model serves as a tool of conflict transformation. Using Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis (IPA), the paper argues that it is a tool, and focuses on the specific finding that it is one of many learning tools in the international sphere. It suggests that this theme can be generalized and could be found in other case studies. The paper is located within the discipline of peace and conflict studies, but uses a method from psychology.

Tipo de documento
Documento de trabajo

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