AROVITE. Digital Archive of Terrorist Violence in the Basque Country

AROVITE is a source of reference for research on terrorism in the Basque Country committed by the different ramifications of ETA, the GAL, the extreme right or the Autonomous Anti-Capitalist Commandos.
AROVITE has two functions. On one hand, it manages information now scattered across the Internet. In this area, the section of external links is very useful, as it gives access to the most important online resources: archives, libraries, research groups, websites of associations of victims of terrorism, international references, etc. On the other hand, AROVITE is a content repository. Here, our bibliographic search engine and our reading suggestions stand out. We have also published several graphs, a timeline of terrorism in the Basque Country, a list of films that deal with this particular issue, etc.
AROVITE is an initiative of the Institute of Social History Valentín de Foronda, of the University of the Basque Country, an institution with a remarkable research trajectory in the field of Modern History of the Basque Country. AROVITE is a result of one of the fields of research of the Institute: politics of memory and victims of political violence in the Basque Country, 1936-2011.


A través de esta galería fotográfica (que irá creciendo en el futuro con nuevos autores e imágenes) pretendemos reflejar de manera visual la historia del terrorismo en Euskadi y Navarra. Se trata de una selección, de una muestra que busca sugerir ideas en el espectador, más que recoger de forma exhaustiva todo el material gráfico que se produjo en torno a este tema, por otro lado inabarcable. A excepción del apartado dedicado a La Gaceta del Norte, la galería está organizada por fondos personales donados por los autores de las imágenes que vivieron aquellos años en primera persona detrás de su objetivo. Además de atentados, las fotografías reflejan el clima político y social generado en torno al terrorismo: pintadas, manifestaciones, funerales, actos de la kale borroka, etc.


Timeline of terrorism in the Basque Country

This timeline provides an overview of the events which occurred between 1968, date of the first murder committed by ETA, and 2011, the year when this organization…

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This collection brings together texts concerning the phenomenon of terrorism in the Basque Country and Navarre, published in digital format based on research.

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Enter our database

In the Reading suggestions we bring you a reading list of key books on terrorism in History, Sociology, Political Science, Anthropology and Communication Sciences.

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External links

Our section of external links gives access to the most relevant online resources for research on terrorism in the Basque Country: the archives that hold documents of and about ETA…

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Collection of Bakeaz

Bakeaz was an association dedicated to research on matters of peace, human rights and ecology, and existed for over two decades. It was founded in 1992 by people linked to the university and the area of pacifism, human rights and environmentalism. From the beginning, the association tried to provide criteria for reflection and civic actions to address issues related to the militarization of international relations, sustainable economy, hydrological politics and water management, cooperation politics, migration processes, civic participation, general theory on social movements, or peace and human rights education.


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“El terrorismo puede ser definido, en perspectiva sociológica, como una forma de acción colectiva caracterizada por el recurso sistemático y tendencialmente exclusivo a la violencia armada, ya sea potencial o efectiva, con la intención de afectar la distribución del poder mediante atentados cuyo impacto psicológico y simbólico supera al derivado de los daños personales y materiales que provocan. Se trata de un fenómeno surgido en su configuración actual a finales de los años sesenta, preferentemente en el contexto de las sociedades industrializadas y protagonizado por organizaciones clandestinas de dimensiones reducidas e ideológicamente inspiradas”.

Fernando Reinares


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